Biosimilars • Resource Information to Guide and Help with the Transition

Your evidence based portal which offers guidance on how to optimize the transition to biosimilars


Speaker: Lars Erik Kristensen MD PhD DMSci
CSO at the Parker Institute, University of Copenhagen, Assoc. Professor Lund University, Specialist in internal medicine, rheumatology


The introduction of biosimilars has permanently changed the treatment landscape for several specialities. Over the past few years, many of us have become comfortable that biosimilar medications are as effective and safe as the originator.


In some European countries, we have also come to appreciate that they can significantly reduce1 treatment costs and even expand access for patients. To successfully realize these benefits, planning and thoughtful patient communications are needed. In fact, attention to little details can make a big difference.


Several studies conducted by European colleagues have demonstrated that how we speak with patients about medications can have a measurable impact on how they do. This is especially true when transitioning a patient from an originator product to its biosimilar,  often referred to as the nocebo effect2. Growing evidence in the medical literature supports that it can be mitigated with thoughtful interventions. The literature further demonstrates that these interventions are not burdensome3.


This online resource synthesizes many current best practices and includes links to important publications that can further inform you should you decide to transition patients to biosimilars. It is in that spirit that this Biosimilars - Resource Information to Guide and Help with the Transition (B-RIGHT) has been developed. My sincere hope is that this resource helps you optimize a process that will work best for you and your patients.


  1. Tweehuysen L, Huiskes VJB, van den Bemt BJF, van den Hoogen FHJ, den Broeder AA. FRI0200 Higher acceptance and persistence rates after biosimilar transitioning in patients with a rheumatic disease after employing an enhanced communication strategy. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 2017;76:557.
  2. Tweehuysen L, van den Bemt BJF, van Ingen IL, de Jong AJL, van der Laan WH, van den Hoogen FHJ et al. Clinical and Immunogenicity Outcomes after Switching Treatment from Innovator Infliximab to Biosimilar Infliximab in Rheumatic Diseases in Daily Clinical Practice. (Abstract 627). Arthirtis & Rheumatoloygy 2016;68 (suppl 10).
  3. Jørgensen TS, Skougaard M,  Asmussen HC, Lee A, Taylor PC, Gudbergsen H, and Kristensen LE. Communication strategies are highly important to avoid nocebo effect when performing non-medical switch from originator product to biosimilar product: Danish results from applying the Parker Model a qualitative 3-step research model (Abstract 2260 /Accessed 7th of November 2017).

BIO-BBU-0026g - Date of preparation: April 2018